Evelyn Villanueva, her legacy is of undeniable transcendence and it was a work of love that led her to create on March 9, 1996 in the Province of Monseñor Nouel – Bonao the Colegio, Guardaría and Internado Dulce María with the purpose of providing education and care for children and adolescents.
Colegio, Guardaría and Internado Dulce María. WE EDUCATE WITH LOVE AND ART
Why that name?
It is named after Mary, Mother of God, and Sweet Mother of Mine
What do you hope to achieve with the school?
To be an educational community open to the challenges of the new times, capable of developing human and technological skills and to position itself as a quality educational proposal that promotes the development of a critical and participatory human being with values, hand in hand with all my teaching staff.
To form an education based on values and competence that leads our students to incorporate themselves into society and the Christian life, motivating in them an interest in their own growth that begins with the ability to value themselves and give value to others.
The constant search for educational strategies that originate the teaching process that provide society with subjects with firm principles that appropriate an integral human development and a significant, authentic and permanent learning, projecting students capable of developing capacities to interpret, understand and relate new information through different learning technologies to organize and compare their understanding.
Educational Principles
- Education based on the dignity of the human person, made in the image of God
- Education in justice, solidarity, respect, open to the signs of the times.
- Open and participatory education.
- Promotion of democratic coexistence and respect for the ideas of others.
- We promote an education that values indigenous culture and patriotic values.
- Education is guided by the guidelines of the Dominican education curriculum and favors educational development.
- SIMPLICITY: We encourage cordial and close relationships.
- SERVICE: We promote generosity and availability.
- JOY AND LOVE : Promoting positive self-esteem
- OPENNESS: We welcome differences open to a plural and diverse world
- COOPERATIVE LEARNING: We value teamwork and collaboration.
- SOLIDARITY AND RESPECT: We educate in sensitivity to the needs of others.
- CIVILISM: We promote patriotic values and value native culture
- Purposes
To develop in the student the necessary skills to respond effectively to the challenges of their socio-economic environment.
To promote a Christian curriculum and an education in values.
Encourage relationships based on respect for diversity and openness to plurality. In collaboration with the family, these principles aim at the integral education of the students, through the harmonious development of their triple dimension: personal, social and religious, in order to make them agents of change in society.
No one who visits El Dulce María is indifferent to so much love, dedication and devotion that Lic. Evelyn Villanueva and all her staff, accompanied by a high level of professionalism that they leave behind every day in their work within the school to provide education with love and art, supporting the development and learning processes of children and adolescents in the hope of forming good men and women with well-defined values. We know that in the complex task of education, two essential and equally necessary ingredients must be employed: love-communication, on the one hand, and norms-limits, on the other.
It is important to emphasize to parents that they play a fundamental role in the education of their children, that of educating in a warm and affectionate context of unconditional affection, but without forgetting that educating also involves establishing rules and setting limits on the behavior of their sons and daughters, so that they learn how they should act.
Our educational institution was created with three (3) comforts
- School, Guardianship and Boarding School
- School: We offer Initial Education up to Basic 5th Grade
- Hours: 7:30am – 12:15m / 1:30pm – 5:15pm
- Nursery and Boarding School: We offer care for your children from birth without age limits.
- Hours: 5:30 am – 9:00 pm Homework Room Hours: 9:00 am – 11:00 am / 2:00 pm – 4:00pm
- Birth Certificate
- Vaccination card
- Health Insurance
- 4 photos 2×2 Parent’s copy
- Medical Report
- Complete analysis
- We also offer transportation and lunch service at noon and above all a lot of love
- Dulce Maria School, Nursery and Boarding School, with more than 20 years of educational experience
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