One of the problems in the home and, above all, in the bedrooms, are the mites. Although they are not an alarming cause of concern for human health, the truth is that they can cause some conditions, their presence being directly related to some pathologies and symptoms. This is what happens when you have mites in a mattress. That is why it is very important to know how to clean the mattress from mites, apart from following a series of tips to eliminate them.
Mites are defined as a sub-class of arachnids that consists of thousands of different species. At present, more than 50,000 different species have been detected, although it is estimated that there may still be many more that have not been studied or classified. In many cases, their presence is related to dust or plants, as is the case with the family of mites Tetranychidae, which is made up of more than 1,200 different species.
In general, the mites that live in houses are found, above all, in the areas that are most difficult to detect such as mattresses, pillows, carpets… To this, we must also add their small size, since the «home species» measure a maximum of 0.5 millimetres, which makes them imperceptible to the human eye.
Mites are not considered to be allergenic, although it is true that they generate some health problems as a result of their faeces because they have a protein, which is the cause of allergic reactions and episodes of rhinitis and asthma, as well as skin rashes or eczema.