Is it possible to love oneself?

Of course you do, and in fact you should. It’s not about vanity or narcissism, but about valuing yourself, accepting yourself, and taking a real interest in yourself.

In this article we will teach you how to learn to love yourself, be happy and feel good about yourself again, having a good self-esteem.
If you believe totally in yourself, there will be nothing that is out of your reach.
In my opinion a problem today is that the education system and society instill a number of qualities that they say you need to have to be successful. They educate all people as if they were the same and the media sell us the image we are supposed to have to be attractive. But in that way all individuality is lost. In fact, anyone who leaves that «mass» of people is considered a freak, the sheep that falls out of the flock. However, I believe that this is the best thing to do; not to be carried away by others, to know our potential, to empower them and to act.
If they criticize us, it doesn’t matter, because the only way they won’t do it is by standing still and doing nothing.
If you then believe in yourself, in your potentialities and have a great self-expectation, you will only be able to grow; it is not superiority or arrogance, but neither is it conformity. It is about accepting yourself, valuing yourself and believing in your possibilities of growth.