I’m a queen, aren’t you?

Businesswoman, Nurse, Hostess, Fashion Designer (A.V.CH. Brand) «A woman with dreams and goals to fulfill» I am a Queen and you …

There are thousands of stories out there that inspire, motivate and move, which is why this section People who Inspire will be the medium for many who are now anonymous or who feel that they are not able to do many things because they limit their thoughts.

There is nothing better than knowing the stories of another to realize the great possibilities that life has. Bearing in mind that their goals do not have to be the same as yours, each person has his or her own way of living and being happy.

People tend to underestimate themselves and think that everything good happens to others and that is a negative thought that you should erase from your brain. I will allow myself as the first inspiring story to tell you mine .

I was born before 7 months of gestation, a medical diagnosis told Mommy that I wouldn’t last 3 days alive, I clung to life so much, I’m still standing today. It’s over 13 medical surgeries (not cosmetic) and 2 strong health diagnoses and I’m still clinging to life.

In March 2019 I had a relapse that to recover I fought for more than two months, never complaining, but confident that everything would pass and would be successful, and with the faith that if God put me in this way he would give me the victory (Amen) and so it was, Sometimes we spend time planning any event to enjoy and when we think we will do it for some reason, something happens and everything falls apart, but if we have faith in God everything flows. . .

I am a woman that until I do not achieve the proposed goal does not stop, I never abandon my dreams, I can fall and fall again, I can close doors, truncate paths, but I still stand fighting for what I want, because I will never stop fighting for my dreams. Now and the most important thing is that we can never lose faith and know that the energy that we spend complaining about any nonsense (that it is raining, that it is sunny, that I have run out of money, that my car is damaged, that I have no clothes, etc) is an energy that we can use by occupying ourselves and not complaining.

«You have to take care not to worry»

To people who today are limited by any situation that may arise. I say no, never allow anything or anyone to put limits on you, we are the ones who can with our thoughts and actions arise, resurface and live our lives fully.

No matter what circumstances you may have right now, think that if you believe in God and then in yourself, everything will pass. I know these lines will be read by many people who will be going through a difficult situation, with low self-esteem, with different conditions than many, so I say to you, Courage! To get up to continue fighting against all the adversities that we face every day, I also invite you to be part of this new project where we can all be Empowered Queens and Empowered Princes «Empowered People Magazine

Remember that it is a question of believing in ourselves, in our capacities to be able to go far. Women and men to live, think, feel like Queens and Princes, you know why? Because that is what we are. THE ACTIVITY AND ACTION WILL BE THE BEST TOOLS TO GET TO THE TOP.

Amaryllis V.illanueva Chalas