As we have mentioned before, mites are not perceptible to the human eye, although it is estimated that a mattress can have up to two million of these «bugs». And how do you know if there are mites in the mattress? To detect their presence, therefore, it is important to pay attention to a number of other factors. In fact, the best way is to observe if you have any problems or conditions when you are in bed or when you get up in the morning because mattress mites feed on the remains of people’s skin. And what are the symptoms of mattress mites? Mainly, you must be alert if they occur or are noticed:
Allergic reactions: If you already have a problem with asthma, rhinitis or hay fever, the symptoms of these health conditions will be intensified when you are in bed and practically immediately after entering it. You will feel increased mucus, sneezing, itchy nose, tightness in the chest, noisy breathing, and so on.
Itching: itching somewhere in the body is also another sign that there may be mites in the mattress.
Rashes and eczema: the appearance of pimples or redness, among other possibilities such as skin irritation in the form of a rash or eczema, is another clear example of having mites in the mattress. Normally, these symptoms are visible when you wake up in the morning in the area of the neck and face, as well as in the skin folds on the body.
Fatigue: Mattress mites can also cause fatigue because the person does not rest well, partly because he or she does not breathe properly, even if he or she does not have a four of asthma or rhinitis.
Cough: the appearance of coughs in bed and their intensification are another clear symptom of the presence of mites in the mattress.
Conjunctivitis: Mites can also produce conjunctivitis and eye problems such as redness from irritation.