In general, when you talk about aging, the first thing you think about is the face. However, this is not the only one, nor the first to grow old. Also today, with the large number of anti-aging treatments that exist for the face, it usually has a fresher appearance than other areas where it is not repaired so much.

The face as well as the hands is very exposed to all kinds of temporary and environmental inclemencies. Added to this are harmful agents such as tobacco, for example, insomnia, among others. But the difference with the hands, is that for the face there are many rejuvenation procedures between them: Surgery.
The eyes are one of the parts of the face where the passage of time is most evident. And the eyelids, as the years go by, lose tone, become weak and reveal the inevitable aging process. One way to mitigate it is to rest well, not smoke, drink plenty of water and limit salt intake.
They are one of the parts of the body that are most exposed to all kinds of harmful agents: sun, cold, air, cleaning products, etc. It is where you can also discover the real age of a person, since they do not admit any type of cosmetic rejuvenation surgery. Therefore, the only way to keep them young is to always take care of them using sunscreen whenever they are exposed to the sun and moisturize them frequently.
Stress, sun, tobacco and lack of hydration are some of the factors that age elbows prematurely. In general, this part of the body is completely relegated from daily routines and beauty treatments. To prevent them from drying out and wrinkling, it is important to exfoliate them frequently and moisturize them daily.