It is a privilege and pride that in this special edition is for an exemplary human being, his legacy is of undeniable significance, tireless worker, always preaches by example, is not only a Dominican pride is also for the world, youth, no matter how young you get to this country, you should always apply its principles in every situation that is presented and that makes it my guest of honor.
In this second edition I wanted to pay a small tribute to his impeccable career. It fills me with joy that you are adorning our cover.
He was born in Santo Domingo, the National District capital of the Dominican Republic. His childhood, primary and secondary studies were spent in Pedro Garcia, a field in the city of Santiago de los Caballeros.
His mother, Maria, emigrated to Puerto Rico and then moved to the United States to give her children a better life, while PAOLO DI VALDI was raised by his grandparents and helped by his uncles.
He himself describes his field, Pedro Garcia, as healthy, full of good, hardworking people.

He always knew that he wasn’t going to stay there, that there was something else out there, his concern was always to be an artist. He always visualized himself as what is now a great, a DIVO.

So he packed his backpack and with many goals to accomplish he emigrated to the United States, it was his dream, he always visualized himself among the greats, he saw his family abroad and when they came on vacation with a different coat and clothes, they called attention by their style to what he was used to see in his town.
In the university he studied psychology then changed to architecture then he realized that he liked beauty more and now he describes himself by his own words ‘architect of putting beautiful women’ since that time he has dedicated himself to study hairdressing, travel to beauty fairs around the world, study with masters like Karen Hoyo among others. She currently works as a freelancer for Univision Channel 41 in New York where she has been doing make-up for the news for 15 years. She also works on the Miami shows when they go to New York, such as El Gordo y la Flaca, Despierta America
Al Punto with Jorge Ramos, first Impact to the talents of the network as a: Jackie Guerrido, Francisca Lachapel, Bárbara Bermudo, Burma Ríos, Ilia Calderón, Sacha Prieto,Teresa Rodríguez, Alan Tacher, Charytín Goyco, Nancy Álvarez, Gelena Solano, Michell Garban, Marjorie de Sousa, Lili Stefan, Daneida Polanco among others.
Celines Toribio, his long time friend, invites him to take part in the films Maria Montes, Tropic of Blood, working with her in all her projects including the commercials, as her official make-up artist and stylist. You ventured.
Thank God I have had the opportunity to do everything I like, I was invited to participate in the Palo de la Tarde, Radio Wado, was at that time the most heard by Latinos in New York, I went to do a five minute segment on beauty, they were delighted with my participation and asked me to stay
the two-hour program and stay for a long time, also conducted by Coco Cabrera and Gisela Garcia, my teachers and mentors.
What else have you done?

As an actor in the first novel that was made in the United States called Angelica Mi Vida which was broadcast on Telemundo, actor in an American series called Central Park West with Mariel Hemingway, in the American series Undercover in which he did an episode in a fashion edition.
Master of Ceremony with Daneida Polanco in a Fashion show, who I thank for her support, she is a tremendous professional. Master of Ceremony for a New York Cosmetology Chamber of Commerce event. I’m the fashion director for Original living magazine, I do make-up for the whole cover and I also do the fashion editorial edition of it.
I worked on the movie Happy Anniversary among others. For all the beauty contests in the Dominican Republic and I have been a jury member countless times, I collaborated for three years for the organization Mis Universo Honduras where I advised the image of the candidates who won as in (makeup, hairstyle and catwalk). I participated in a video with Madonna, called Best Time Story and when she performed in New York I danced with her. On the Red Carpet of the Oscars three times, the Billboard, Youth Award, Sovereign Award in which I was among the best dressed.
In the Dominican Republic I participated in a program of Luz Garcia, as a fashion critic when they were doing the Casandra awards, Dominican fashion from 2007 to 2011, with the Chilean Gisel Matamalo we did the Fashion show Honduras, also New York Fashion Show.
Style in make-up

At the time of makeup I have a unique style, because doing it I am so passionate, for me it is a great satisfaction when my customers are so happy and say thank you, without doubt that is my greatest payment, but in the professional I am more avant-garde, modern, I have influences from many teachers who will not go out of fashion, and I still maintain those techniques, as I said at the beginning I created my own style. The new Fashionistas.
If you are a dreamer and you have the desire to get ahead, pursue and achieve your dreams you can be whatever you want, for me the preparation is something vital for this career, knowing about fashion, hairstyles, I know all that because I have prepared for it.
What do you dream about?
To have my own TV show, it can also be to participate in segments, really helping people look better.
You cry
Because of everything, the abuse of power, the insensitive people, the injustices, a situation that cannot be solved.
Are you a romantic?
I’d tell you that sometimes I’m a bit cheesy, but I don’t mind that’s the way I am.
Any dissatisfied customers?
Yes many, we are not a gold coin to be liked by everyone, the customer always comes to the hairdresser to vote tentions brings all the burden of his house, sometimes the cut is fine, color, hairstyle, but his interior is not perfect, so every day I prepare, studying metaphysics, breathing, as a better human being, all this has taught me that when a customer is not satisfied is not for my work, now I am the one who chooses my customers, I look for people who have similarity with me, people with good vibes of peace and positive.
Are you vain?
Yes, you tell me which person is not, I like creams, good perfumes, I love fashion, if I’m very vain.
Have you made up any Miss Universe?
Alicia Machado, Dayanara Torres, Amalia Vega, Gabriela Isles, Zuleyca Rivera, among others.
Latin or Anglo-Saxon?
They are very different when it comes to make-up, because American women, Caucasians, whatever you want to call them, are quieter women with more neutral tones and more studied what they are going to do. Latinas are more folkloric, more colorful, but that comes from the Caribbean theme, although there are many Latinas who like softer tones, the Anglo-Saxon woman has straighter lines and is less exuberant, which is why they look different.
Your lifestyle.
I can take three or four jobs a day, be eating breakfast in NY, having lunch in Miami and waking up in L.A., but it’s all in the agenda if you do it that way you have everything in place.
Did you have trouble conquering the famous and the rich?
No, they already had references from me, people with prestige like LISSETTE MONTOLIO helped me a lot and since I arrived I started to meet people.
Famous people who have already passed through your hands?
Carolina Herrera, Oscar de la Renta, Madonna, Ricky Martin, Romeo Santos with whom I went on tour for a while, Roció Jurado who was the love of my life, my friend, I did make-up many times here in New York. Don Francisco, there are too many of them that don’t come to mind right now. How do you project yourself in a few years? Well, in a few years I plan to start working with my company. I have a make-up line that I will launch in the market, and I also plan to launch a make-up line for other celebrities who want to create their own lines.
Famous people who’ve already passed through your hands?
Carolina Herrera, Oscar de la Renta, Madonna, Ricky Martin, Romeo Santos with whom I toured for a while, Roció Jurado who was the love of my life, my friend, I did many make-up jobs here in New York. Don Francisco, there are too many of them that don’t come to mind right now. How do you project yourself in a few years? Well, in a few years I plan to start working with my company. I have a make-up line that I will launch in the market, and I also plan to launch a make-up line for other celebrities who want to create their own lines.
Are you organized?
Look if, although it does not seem by my style of life, in this country the punctuality is an important factor for the success, I organize myself with time with my agenda, by calls.
If you had the opportunity to return a person, who would you bring back?
This question was very difficult for him, he was very moved and it was hard for him to answer because the crying and the emotion prevented him from doing so. It was also very emotional for me, his grandmother was and is the most important thing in his life.
If I had the opportunity to return to a person…[cries] if she is like a person who is not an artist she would be my grandmother she was the greatest love…[cries] I have had in my life I grew up with my grandmother while my mother worked in the United States, she was the grandmother of the world she taught me all my values, everything I am until now, I owe it to my grandmother, in education Mrs. Bartolina was a grandmother who always had a word of encouragement, empowerment of loyalty and love, She taught me what it means to love inside to do things, Because living with love, then I would bring her back to life although physically because she will always live inside me. She taught us everything from eating at a table to praying to God.
How do you project yourself in a few years?
Well, in a few years I project myself with my company, I have a makeup line that I am going to put out on the market, I also project myself putting out a makeup line for other celebrities that want to do their own lines, be it full makeup, foundation, lipstick or something specific, I project myself having my own fashion and beauty magazine more beauty, makeup and hairstyle, I would like to make a video for YouTube and have my own channel of it, I project myself successful as I have been until now but more in the business sector. I want to know more about the world since I have few countries to know.
Discriminated against because he’s Latino or gay?

No, in the United States I have never felt it for either one of them, I am an educated, thriving, discreet Latino, it is important to give yourself respect, and that everything you do is with height. But in my country they didn’t let me go into a club in Santiago, there are still many taboos on the subject, look in Paris at the best club, where those who go in are the most famous and richest, and I was outside in a line to get in, and because of my appearance they took me out of the line and I went in because of my poise and elegance, and they had to have known me, laughs.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I don’t really have any free time, but I love it as soon as I can get on the internet I’m a fan of YouTube, I watch a lot of travel shows, empowerment, news about what’s going on in other countries, I watch make-up tutorials.
In love?
I’ve been in love all my life and currently I’m in love as always with my career is my passion is my love, the most important thing in my life my career and my family, so the love of my life is my career which I have put a lot of love and passion, is what I do, I love and I am passionate about it.
I have my small salon where I only attend clients exclusively by appointment, I continue with Univision and with the Miami programs that come to New York, I make packages for brides with my team, I provide photographers with everything they need to make their day the best, I continue working with Original Living Magazine, as a fashion and makeup director, I attend fairs inside and outside the country, seminars and everything that comes along the way.
God first of all, without him nothing in my life was possible, he is my engine that ignites my life day by day, my accomplice.
Univision 41, my channel for more than 15 years, they have always supported me and motivated me to keep going.
To the Designer Humberto Peñaloza, a great human being and friend.
Darwin Rodriguez and all his team, my photographer and friend.
All my friendships that have always supported me in all my adventures and mischief, I don’t dare to name them because there are so many and some can be overlooked.