A dreamy woman, mother, grandmother, warrior, believer and sure of achieving all her goals, this is how she describes herself.
This experience touched me very closely because she was a client of my business in the Bronx, we became friends and then on the weekends she helped us all a lot, she is very loved and special by me and all my staff and we always have her in our prayers.
Learning that you have cancer can be a difficult experience. After a diagnosis of cancer, you may feel anxious, afraid, or overwhelmed, and you may wonder how to cope with the days ahead.
A diagnosis of cancer can be devastating to the person who receives it. Cancer is a process of uncontrolled cell growth and spread, which can occur virtually anywhere in the body, according to the World Health Organization, which adds that the tumor often invades surrounding tissue and can metastasize to distant points in the body. It is one of the leading causes of death worldwide.
The latest study by the Society of Medical Oncology estimates that by 2020 there will be a total of 78,453 new cancer diagnoses depending on the country, and that the increase in new cases will be double that of men due to the spread of smoking among women. This represents a 16 percent increase in new cases over the last 2 years.
When were you diagnosed with cancer? I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in 2012, a fast-growing cancerous tumor.
What was your first reaction? It was crying, I didn’t understand anything, I thought I was going to die, what happened to my children.
How did you manage to calm down? As the days went by and the doctors explained to me the steps of the treatment I was going to undergo, and then I understood that it was not time to cry, but to face reality.
What is the first thing to face? The first thing was to heal my heart, abandoning all negative thoughts
How’s your faith? My faith in God was fundamental to my survival, to clinging to life, and so this phrase came about.
I lived days when I thought I was going to die, at that moment my body felt 100 years old because the weakness was so strong that I could not keep my body straight, in my feeling I said it was the end, but in the knowledge of God it was just a difficult wheel of a process of healing and faith.
It has been 6 years and I am here with an unwavering faith with the assurance that God did it and continues to sustain me and fill me with his love and mercy. God is my shepherd and I will lack for nothing.
What were the stages of treatment? They were, CHEMOTHERAPY, SURGERY, RADIATION.
Please tell us about the process? It was a long and painful treatment, 16 CHEMOTHERAPY, 28 RADIATION, AND 3 SURGERIES.
Did you have a lot of discomfort with the results of the treatment? Side effects bone pain, nausea, dizziness, lack of appetite, lack of sleep and many scars that I have on my body that remind me that God was good to me, you know that chemo is very strong and always leaves you with sequels, but now I see them as small compared to other things.
Did you have a mastectomy? Surgery to remove the entire breast. You can also remove some lymph nodes under your arm. Yeah, just on one breast, they removed it completely and then put in a saline silicone.
Did you have many complications during and after the treatment? If I had to be admitted and operated on because the breast that had been removed got a terrible infection and the skin of the breast was completely burned, they had to operate on my abdomen so that they could take skin and reconstruct my breast again.

Have you had any more surgeries? If they had to operate on my good breast, give me a reduction so I could go with the other breast.
How did your body transform after the surgeries? The transformation of my body was evident and drastic, seeing your hair stay on my hands, burns on my body, my hands, my feet black, loss of my nails, it was very difficult to see and feel that it was not me.

How were the aftermath? My body felt weak but ARISLEIDA is strong and she is moving on. There are many consequences for your body, but the emotional ones are much more, because you have to learn to live with so many changes in your body that it’s like starting to know yourself again. But everything is valid if you have life, renewal and an attitude that everything is fine and that by faith and belief you are here.

Are you currently in treatment? My follow up every 3 months, then now they are checking me every 6 months, I am taking pills for 10 years in 2023 is that I finish taking the prevention pill always touching me, I can not neglect.
What are your biggest fears? After everything happens, you want to live day by day clinging to life. I have seen many warrior companions leave, who lost the battle, and every time one of them dies you think you are the next one to go back, because they came back to them and left already, you live clinging to life as if it were the last day of your life.
What was the greatest pain? Not being able to have my parents with me, I didn’t want to say anything to them because they didn’t have the papers to travel, the whole process was done without their emotional support and with the pain of having to hide the truth from them.

Do you currently have a partner? This is a little difficult, you know that after you go through the process, not only changes the body, you change the mentality, the person is there at the time of the first stage gives you support, but after you go through the whole process is different, it is difficult to find a person who accompanies you to live the day to day but in a full, quiet, with joy, because God is giving you another opportunity and we must take advantage of it can not live all the time in trouble.
It is difficult to have a partner who fits you that understands that there is a change, I feel good I LESLY, to be so I accept myself as I am but when other people who do not have the facility to talk to you to have a dialogue with you is very difficult, very complicated, I opted for me, to try to be happy to live the moment, the day every day a new day, live it because no one is sure that it will last longer than it should, when it is that it goes, we are living very difficult times. The couple really got lost.
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERYONE. There are still people who are very afraid of the word and sometimes lose time by not hearing that you have cancer, they feel a lot of discomfort but by not going to the doctor, I go today, I go tomorrow and already have a very aggressive diagnosis that could have been better, if from the beginning they felt something in their body, You have to touch yourself and be conscious and if you feel something, go immediately to the doctor, don’t stay thinking, be quiet, and not think, I will not stand it, overcome, if you can, a timely diagnosis is the difference between life and death, a timely diagnosis saves many lives.
You can see Amarilis that you are doing everything with much love, care and professionalism, and taking care of every detail, I know you for many years and I can not expect less from you. YOUR MESSAGE. My story is addressed to all women, with a message of overcoming, of faith, with a result that when you put yourself in God’s hands you will see the glory manifested in you.
Only God recognizes in you that the time of miracles is not over, for his wonders I am here more beautiful than ever. Gratitude. First to God, then the support of my daughters, my partner, and friends, but especially to a person who was here since day one, my friend and comadre JOSEFINA ARACENA