Over time, photography has become an art where a combination of technical skills with artistic creativity is presented. In this sense, when carried out through a technological device (which would be equivalent to a painter’s brush or a sculptor’s chisel) photography requires a number of skills that force people to know how to handle and make the best use of all the functions that the camera has.
Ivan Morales is a great photographer who has obtained diverse knowledge of photography for 14 years and more than that he has developed the way to capture and to be able to show through an image how powerful a lens can be, obtaining valuable and eternalized scenes playing this way, with the construction of a plane what is left to see and what is implicit, the game with the lights and the colors the position of the people or figures looking for this way the historical importance that he wants to transmit with a simple click registering this image to the end like a work of art.

What prompted you to become a photographer?
I’ve always liked photography and I saw it as a way of life.
How did you start and when did you know that photography was your vocation? I started 14 years ago and it wasn’t easy. Some will say it’s a way of life, others that it’s a way of channelling our artistic concerns. Perhaps an attempt to make others see the world through our own eyes.

In any case, being a photographer implies a constant search for unique, intimate and special moments. Perhaps also hard and violent scenes, but all that search ends with a click. A wonderful moment when we freeze time with an image.
The feelings that will probably arise when we see a photograph is the best example of what the word photographer means.
The captured instant, and no other, will make us understand the scene without having witnessed it. It will transport us to a distant place without moving from home. It will make us dream, laugh and cry, think, and feel.
What kind of techniques and cameras does he use?
I work with all kinds of techniques and different types of photography, always looking to go beyond. I work with canon cameras and canon lenses, I like the colors it gives in the composition of the photo.
How do you think the world of photography has changed with the arrival of digital and software such as Photoshop, which allows all kinds of retouching? How does it affect the photographer’s work?
It has changed everything, it has simplified it and it is faster and more entertaining to work with, before it was slower.
How does it inspire you to take pictures?
Life inspires me, the people, the landscapes, the environment in which I find myself is a unique opportunity to capture it in a beautiful photo.
Are there any photographs that you would have liked to take but couldn’t?
Yes, there are many that I want to do, such as photographing wild animals in their natural habitat
What has been the photographic work that has affected you the most?
In my long career there have been many.
Would you like to hold a photographic exhibition one day and what would you like to express in it?
Of course, I’m working on it precisely, and I’d like to express everything I feel when I do photography.
What other hobbies do you have besides photography?
I’m a videographer, producer and I love listening to music.
Tell us about your new project. I have several new projects underway but the most recent one is the new television program called MAS NEWYORK TV in which I am the executive director along with a great media professional Begoña Sevilla, winner of 7 emmys.
And very soon you will know about other projects that I do not want to advance until they are already working.
I invite you to visit me in my social networks:
Instagram: @innovationmediany
Facebook: ivanmorales2012