Values Loyalty.
Probably no one understands loyalty better than the person to whom he has ever betrayed it. We all expect the loyalty of others. No one likes to be betrayed, or to know that a friend has spoken ill of us. Detecting loyalty [or disloyalty] in others is easy, but how am I living out my loyalty? I really know what it is? What do others expect?
Loyalty is a return, we must be loyal to those who have helped us, a friend who defended us, a company that gives us work, loyalty is defending the one who has helped us ¨(remove face) When we are loyal, we achieve friendship, and any other relationship at its deepest stage, we can all have a superficial friend, or working in a place simply because we are paid, however, loyalty implies a commitment that goes beyond that, it is to be with a friend, family, in good times and bad, it is to work not only because we are paid, but because we have a commitment to the company where we work and to society itself.
Always remember.
Your words say what you pretend to be, but your actions say what you really are.
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