Karma is the energy that judges all our actions. A kind of invisible and transcendent force that takes place because of the behaviors we have and that accumulates over time. The laws of Karma tell us that the forces we set in motion with the actions we perform will return to us at some point.
- Cause and effect: this is a law that we all know well. It means that everything we sow in the present is what we will reap in the future. If it’s negative energy, it will come back to us with much more force.
- Creation: life is made so that we all participate in it actively. We are part of the birth of nature, and lives reproduce in the same way as other natural cycles.
- Humility: It is absurd to refuse to accept something because it will continue to occur. We all present some reality that we refuse to see, such as selfishness and envy.
- Growth: to grow authentically, it is we who have to change and not the people around us.
- Responsibility: It is important that we be able to assume responsibility for our actions, both for our choices and for our mistakes.
- Connection: all the dynamics of the universe are connected. Personal choices and decisions affect everything else.
- Focus: it is impossible to think of two things at once. To achieve the objectives we have to go up step by step, progressively.
- Hospitality: welcoming and offering are two basic principles in the history of humidity. They are two acts that we perform through humility.
- Here and now: looking back and living continuously anchored in our past is of no use. So we just avoid enjoying the present. It is important to focus on the here and now to be happy.
- Change: history repeats itself continuously until we learn how to change our path.
- Patience and reward: any type of reward requires an initial effort. Nothing comes to our lives because yes.