Accepting a divorce is not an easy task, because we have had a good time with our ex-spouse, there is great social pressure to be married and it is a serious blow to a person’s self-esteem. The emotional torrent leaves no one indifferent, and the emotions that may arise in this situation are so intense that we can be surprised how two people who have loved each other in a divorce process can be treated. Although we may think that the person who decides to end the relationship is the one who suffers the least, adapting to the new situation as singles is not easy, and it is more complicated when there has been, for example, an infidelity involved.
The process of accepting the break
And of course, at the point of leaving behind everything we have experienced, there are many memories that strike our minds again and again. Certainly, it is not easy to accept that the situation has come to an end, that the other person will rebuild his life without us and everything lived will be left behind to never come back. But sometimes, this situation is inevitable, and then overcoming the phases of divorce correctly is the best way to find stability again.
Over time the divorce can be overcome, but that does not mean that there is no suffering during the process. Phases of divorce: the evolution of emotions There are people who have serious difficulties in overcoming divorce, as low self-esteem, poor social skills and other reasons can make recovery more complicated. In these cases, divorce therapy is highly effective.
Anger Phase
Once the person stops denying what is happening, he can feel immense anger and intense anger that projects towards the other person or himself. If in the previous phase you did not want to see what was happening, now the frustration can take over the person for the events that have taken place and usually blame the other person for what has happened.
Negotiation phase
The negotiation phase can also be complicated if it is not managed properly, because the person tries to understand the reasons for the separation and can try to understand the ex-partner.
Acceptance phase
Over time, the individual has become accustomed to the loss and has reflected on what the past relationship was. Now he can look back to the future with optimism by accepting that everything is over and that what could not be will not be.
She no longer seeks to be with the other person and feels good about herself. She is ready to meet new people