Every day we see celebrities in the media and we think that they have never had low self-esteem or that they are outgoing people, but the reality is that many of us are not, but day by day they do exercises to improve their confidence and believe more in themselves.
What is self-esteem?
Self-esteem in simple words is the way in which we see ourselves before society and this effect is reflected not only in what we do but how we do it. If you are good at something usually many people trust you more than yourself, sometimes we do not know our capabilities or we are just afraid.
Having a healthy self-esteem is important because it helps you create positive lifestyle choices, gives you the courage to be your own person, have good relationships and helps you affect difficult situations.
Low self-esteem can have harmful effects on your psychological state, your decisions about your appearance, and ultimately your future. It’s hard to love every part of the way you look, but getting stuck in the negatives can really lower your self-esteem.
Other effects of low self-esteem include:
Avoiding difficult situations
- Sensitive to criticism
- Anxiety
- Removal from social situations
- You’re reluctant to trust yourself
It’s important to believe, deep down, that you can simply change. Change does not necessarily happen easily or quickly, but it can happen.
WE ARE EMPOWERED PEOPLE! By adding these simple acts to your life, you will see a change in the way you view LIFE.

Challenge bad thoughts about yourself
Replace them with more positive thoughts that celebrate things you are good at. We know it’s not easy, but just start with the thing you are most encouraged to do on a daily basis or do without thinking about earning money for it.
If it fills you up, it already counts.
Take care of yourself
Eat right and exercise. YES, we know this advice sounds so common, but try it, sometimes something that gives us more insecurity is the way we see ourselves in front of a mirror. NO! it is not fitness or super dieting, just add healthier foods and 30 minutes of walking to your day and you will see that the other will start to flow.
When you exercise, you will relieve stress and feel better about yourself. Having a cheesy dance in your bedroom, or going for a run around the block are great ways to bring your self-esteem to life. IT’S ALL GOOD.
The constant feeling of stress can play a huge role in low self-esteem. It makes you feel negative thoughts more often, reduces your confidence, and you’ll probably feel too tired to exercise, be social, or do tons of the things you like.
Reducing stress by taking the time to try something you find relaxing can be a great starting line to creating better yourself. This can be anything from taking a shower, meditation, games, crazy indoor dancing, singing… anything; if it works for you, it works!
Setting Goals
Take the time to believe what you wish to achieve. Then set realistic goals for each day and track your progress by writing down all your accomplishments.
You’ll feel a great sense of accomplishment when you’ve checked off everything on your list for the day.
The trick is not to get caught up in the list; some days you won’t manage to get everything done and that’s fine too. We all have days off, maybe make a shorter list for the next day and see how you get along.
Helping someone
This may be a lover, a loved one or maybe a classmate who is struggling with work or having a troubled time in college, you’ll give them some advice or just be there to focus on a drag.
It’s amazing how much our confidence increases once we do selfless things, doing one thing every week to help another person without expecting anything in return.
Take a special perspective
Look at complicated situations from alternative angles. try to replace thoughts like ‘why should I do this’ with ‘I won’t know unless I try’.
By looking at a situation through a more realistic lens you will realize that you can simply do what you would like to do, you just have to apply a more positive touch!
By doing this every time you have a negative thought, you will eventually default to the current positivity in the regular, and who doesn’t love a fighter? Sometimes we just have to think and see several things to beat having low self-esteem.
Try new things
Our brains are specialized in learning new things, and therefore the more new things you learn, the higher you will be at learning it, and therefore the more likely you are to discover belongings you are often hooked on.
Everyone needs a witty outlet; music, art, dance, games, sewing, cooking, web design – all you’d like to try and get is to get on YouTube and find some tutorials. All the knowledge you’d like is out there – it’s just waiting for you to watch.
Surround yourself with people who make you feel good
Sometimes our friends don’t make us feel good, and that’s okay, you just have to spend some time with people who appreciate and care more about you. These don’t even have to be your friends, but they can be relationships, online friends, or neighbors.
What about those friends who don’t help your mood? Learn whether or not they are a toxic friend and believe that by trying to distance yourself from those people who make you feel bad about yourself.
They’re often a little tricky to touch initially, but even if they’re the most popular guy in class or the good person you recognize, it’s really not worth hanging out with them if they think you’re feeling crappy!
Strengthen friendships and relationships and you will certainly feel better about things in the long run!
Accept yourself
Nobody’s ideal. We all have problems and we all have flaws. Learn to simply accept your weaknesses or imperfections and love them, because they are what make you unique. So, work, baby!
Self-acceptance is the key to feeling confident.
Keep visual reminders of the things that make you feel good
Memories are great from seeing all the great things you’ve been doing. How about making a «wall of fame» in your bedroom with pins of you and your friends?
Keep your little accomplishments and big moments where you can see them and remember them from time to time. You can create a public or private album on Facebook or your cell phone. Either method works, just KEEP IT FOR «THOSE DAYS».