5 reasons for girls’ empowerment

1-Because they will learn to be brave, not perfect.
Most girls are taught to avoid failure and risk in order to focus on safe play, on being perfect in everything they do. Boys, on the other hand, are encouraged to take risks, to be brave and powerful, to never give up. Why do we teach girls to be perfect and boys to be brave? They, too, must know how to put fear aside in order to face life’s challenges and learn from their mistakes and successes.

2-Because gender stereotypes are acquired from childhood
According to research recently published in Science magazine, girls begin to feel less intelligent than boys from the age of 6. From an early age, gender stereotypes take a toll on the interests and aspirations of girls, who begin to avoid activities related to boys that they consider «bright».

3-Because it helps prevent violence and discrimination
In addition to building leadership and self-esteem in girls, there is also a need to educate boys and girls on gender equality from an early age. At very young ages (0-12), prejudices are almost non-existent, which encourages them to internalize civic behavior based on equality and respect for oneself and others, leaving aside gender roles.

4-Because today’s girls will be tomorrow’s leaders
As obvious as it sounds, it is worth remembering that the girls of today will be the women of tomorrow, that half of humanity that will include workers, mothers, entrepreneurs, mentors, political leaders… As the UN recalls, «investing in their potential defends their rights now and promises a more equitable and prosperous future.

5-Because development without them is not possible
Gender equality is not only a development goal in itself, but an indispensable means of achieving all the Sustainable Development Goals. Only with men and women living together in equality will it be possible to solve political conflicts, economic growth, and disease prevention,
climate change and ultimately ensure the sustainability of the world.

There are more than 5 reasons to empower girls, just as there are many ways to contribute, each person from their scope and capabilities, to an equitable and sustainable world, the important thing is not to stand idly by. As the American writer and political activist Hellen Keller has already said:

«I’m not the only one, but I’m still somebody. I can’t do everything, but I can still do something. And just because I can’t do everything, I won’t give up doing what I can.

From Ayuda en Acción we work every day to achieve real and effective gender equality. And you, do you know all you can do for equality?