It is time to talk with the seriousness of the effects caused by new generations without access to supervision or control of social networks adolescents who spend more than 3 hours a day using social networks may have a higher risk of problems mental health, particularly internalization problems; Difficult problems can be related to somatizations, insecurities, dependence, marked shyness, phobias, fear, sadness, worry, mood instability and obsessions
The most affected by this phenomenon are young people. They are the ones who use new technologies the most
and at the same time the most influential population sector. It is clear that social networks have many positive aspects, but we must also be specific of their dangers.
Instagram and other social networks are often used as a showcase. It reflects only the best moments, which generates a distortion of reality. In addition, the self-esteem of young people can reach a dependent on the number of likes achieved in a photo. With all this we do not mean to avoid using Instagram or ban our children. But always being considered social networks and their influence.